Our course to get access to the laser cutter is held when needed and is divided into two parts, one theoretical and one practical part. After an approved theory test, the course participants are called in to the practical part, held in the course lab above the prototype lab, the date and time specified in the mail. All the necessary course material can be found either in the movie below or in text format here. Under the menu “Laser” There are also quick guides and relevant information if you forget something that is covered in the instructional video.


    • The laser cutter may only be used by XP members.
    • To use the equipment you should have completed XP’s course for the laser cutter.
    • Each pass must be booked in advance via the XPs booking system, only one passport per person can be booked at a time.
    • At each run, the document shall be followed.
    • The modification or dismantling of the equipment is strictly prohibited.
    • That the laser cutter and adjacent area are cleaned after use
    • Each run shall be monitored throughout the course of the operation due to fire hazard.
    • When purchasing material, log books must be filled in correctly and payment shall be made either via Swish or cash to the engine block in the prototype Lab assembly Hall.
    • The code for the key box must not be passed on to anyone. For a forgotten code please contact the XP board.
    • PVC, PTFE (Teflon) and polycarbonates are forbidden to use in the laser cutter.
    • Only one person can work in the machine at a time.

If any malfunction occurs with the computer, laser cutter, extractor or any other laser-related, this is reported to the XP board immediately. Time booking for the laser cutter is done via the booking list which is set up on the wall outside the door of the course lab, next to the door of the XPs office. You choose the date and time span, and type their name in the corresponding place in the table. It is important that the machine is restored in time for the next person in the booking list.

Instructional Video (Swedish)